February 21, 2025

LETTER: A chance to speak up

Jay Howe


Most of us are sick of the on-going nonsense that now characterizes U.S. election campaigns. Nonetheless, it’s critical that we vote.

This year, down-ballot candidate choices are particularly important for rural Iowans whose public schools and whose institutions have been under attack by Iowa’s current trifecta government. Iowa majority-party legislators have enacted laws that are weakening community-based K-12 schools (HF68 “school choice” vouchers) and weakening other rural institutions and governing bodies, by replacing local control (home rule) with state-level rules and regulations.

On the revenue and budgeting front, lawmakers have placed the state’s future financial footing on soft ground. Along the way, the overall tax system is being changed to shift taxes from prosperous Iowans to middle class working people.

For instance, income tax rates are being cut in a manner that benefits big business and wealthy taxpayers and has little or no benefit for most others. The impact is particularly detrimental to rural Iowa where incomes are generally lower than those in suburban and exurban regions.

The recently enacted “tax cut” legislation sends half of its dollar benefits to the wealthy upper 5 % of taxpayers. The average Iowa millionaire is to receive over $30,000 in tax cuts while other Iowans get “pocket change.”

So, if you’re voting to help rural Iowa stabilize and strengthen its core economic and education infrastructures - and retain youth, you should consider the disproportionate negative impact Iowa’s current governing trifecta is placing on our quality of life and future prospects.

Our next chance to “speak up” has arrived.