First snow of the season is on its way

The National Weather Service in Des Moines has issued a Winter Weather Advisory beginning 9 p.m. tonight and running until 6 p.m. Tuesday for the area.

Snow is expected to begin falling tonight over southern Iowa and lift north into Tuesday. Roads will likely be covered in most of the area during the Tuesday morning commute.

The most recent weather models predict two to four inches of snow for Creston and surrounding areas although accumulation totals over four inches are possible especially along the Interstate 35 corridor.

The National Weather Service offers tips and reminders to drivers as the first snowfall of the season approaches.

♦ If you must drive, slow down, don’t use cruise control and increase the distance between vehicles.

♦ If you don’t have to drive, stay home.

♦ Always have an emergency kit in your car.

The Iowa DOT reports 75% of weather-related accidents happen in less than two inches of snow and reminds drivers to call 511 for road conditions for all of Iowa.