‘Undercover:’ real stories of cover crop users field day

Want the real scoop on cover crops? Local farmers and agronomy professionals can ask their questions to actual cover crop farmers at a field day from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 4 at the Hickory Hills Herefords Farm, located 3 miles west of Lorimor on REA Rd, 1/4 mile west on 120th St, 1-1/2 miles south on Grand River Dr. (Signs will be posted). Participants will be able to draw from the experience of the several producer panel, look at cover crops seeded into corn and soybeans this fall, and get some hands-on experience with evaluating soil health.

These farmers have many years of combined cover crop use and are ready to share the good and the bad: how and what they seed, how they terminate, lessons learned, challenges of cover crops, how to plant into cover crops, and effects on crop yield, weed pressure, and soil fertility and health.

A complimentary meal will be served following the field day. Thanks to sponsors, there is no charge for the field day, however RSVP’s are appreciated for meal count. RSVPs can be made to Union County Soil and Water Conservation District at 641-782-4218, ext 3.This event is coordinated by the North Thompson River Watershed Project and the Adair, Madison and Union SWCD’s. If accommodations are required to attend, please call 641-782-4218 by Oct. 31.