National 4-H Week, Oct. 4-8

Every year, National 4-H Week sees millions of youth, parents, volunteers and alumni come together to celebrate the many positive youth development opportunities offered by 4-H. The theme for this year's National 4-H Week, "Opportunity4All," is a campaign that was created by the National 4-H Council to rally support for Cooperative Extension's 4-H program and identify solutions to eliminate the opportunity gap that affects 55 million kids across America.

With so many children struggling to reach their full potential, 4-H believes that young people, in partnership with adults, can play a key role in creating a more promising and equitable future for youth, families and communities across the country. 4-H believes every child should have an equal opportunity to succeed and should have the skills they need to make a difference in the world.

In Union County, more than 270 4-H youths and more than 80 volunteers from the community are involved in 4-H. Local youth have the opportunity to join robotics clubs, participate in special interest events, learn more about agriculture and livestock and develop leadership skills by partaking in club officer and committee roles in the eight general 4-H clubs. For more information about 4-H at, or on Facebook at