2020 Iowa State Fair 4-H Special Edition Livestock Show

DES MOINES — 4-H members showed in the 4-H 2020 Fair Special Edition Livestock Shows at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, Aug. 7, 21 and 22. The local winners are as follows:

4-H Rabbit Show, Aug. 7

4-H and FFA Livestock Show

Senior Buck Commercial and Fancy, Best of Variety: Nathaniel Wells, Union County; Senior Doe Fancy, Best of Breed: Christopher Wells, Union County.

4-H Breeding Beef Show, Aug. 21

Reserve Champion Red Angus Breeding Beef: Veronica Lents, Union County.

4-H Market Beef Show, Aug. 22

2020 Fair Special Edition Livestock Show


Champion Chianina Market Beef: Carson Rieck, Union County.

For more information, visit www.iowastatefair.org.