Iowa Ag leaders' virtual town hall on trade and supply chains

Virtual Town Hall on the Future of Iowa Ag Trade and Supply chains with Iowa Ag Leaders Aug. 30.

ANKENY – On July 30, Iowa and national ag commodity leaders will hold a virtual town hall to discuss the future of Iowa agriculture, with a focus on trade and supply chains. With major in-person state agriculture town halls postponed beyond 2020, this conversation will help state farmers learn and share their views with commodity association leaders. The conversation, which is part of the AgTalks town hall series focusing on key U.S. ag states, comes at a time when Iowa's competitiveness in agriculture is being impacted by the trade war, COVID-19 and the increase in non-US trade agreements with overseas customers that Iowa has traditionally served.

Panelists will share challenges, new opportunities and take questions from conversation participants. Members of the media are encouraged to join.

Iowa Ag leaders who will be in attendance:

• Kirk Leeds, CEO, Iowa Soybean Association

• Host Kevin Ross, President, National Corn Growers Association

• Jim Sutter, CEO, U.S. Soybean Export Council

• Mary Andringa, Chair of the Board, Vermeer Corporation

• Brent Shanks, Director, Center for Biorenewable Chemicals, Iowa State University

• Craig Willis, Senior Vice President of Global Markets, Growth Energy (nation's leading ethanol and biofuel association)

• Sara Wyant, President, Agri-Pulse Communications, Moderator

The virtual town hall will take place at 11 a.m. CST, Thursday, July 30. To attend the town hall visit this link: