Farmland leasing meeting July 30 in Greenfield

GREENFIELD — More than half of Iowa farmland is rented, and the percentage of farmland rented has increased over time due to the changing demographics of farmland owners. Iowa farmland cash rental rates have been steady to slightly lower over the past 4 years, with the state average in 2020 at $222 per acre. Additionally, Iowa farmland values have seen statewide declines in four of the past five years.

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in Adair County is hosting a farmland leasing meeting on Thursday, July 30, at 1:30 p.m. to address questions that landowners, tenants, or other interested individuals have about farmland leasing.

The meeting will be held at the Warren Cultural Center Auditorium, 154 Public Square, Greenfield. The meeting is approximately 2 hours in length. Similar meetings are being held across Iowa during July and August.

Attendees will gain understanding of current cash rental rate surveys and factors driving next year’s rents such as market trends and input costs. Additionally, information on cover crop research and methods to implement in lease agreements, legal aspects of farmland leases will be presented. A 100-page workbook will be included with each paid registration that includes land leasing information such as surveys, sample written lease agreement and termination forms, and many other publications.

“Due to changes in commodity markets, cash rent values, and government programs farmland owners and tenants have many factors to consider, and this meeting provides information to stay up to date on farmland lease issues”, says Patrick Hatting, ISU Extension and Outreach Farm and Ag Business Management Specialist. Hatting will be the presenter at the meeting.

Registration is $20 per individual/$30 per couple. Pre-register by calling Adair County Extension and Outreach office at 641-743-8412 by Tuesday, July 28. Adair County Corn Growers and Adair County Farm Bureau are providing sponsorship for this meeting.